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Gatsby Benchmarks

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The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world-class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision at a school or college. The benchmarks are enshrined in the statutory guidance for schools and colleges.

The eight benchmarks have been adopted as part of the Government’s Careers Strategy and statutory guidance for schools and colleges. In addition, The Careers and Enterprise Company now supports the implementation of the benchmarks in schools and colleges with a national network of support, resources and targeted funding.

We can support you by:

  • Joining the dots between education and businesses across the region, bringing employers, educators and providers together through our network
  • Increasing your network to deliver against the Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Delivering and signposting support and training to Senior Management Teams specifically Careers Leaders to aid the design of a quality career education programme using best practices linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Sharing practical digital tools and resources that support the achievement of the benchmark



The Benefits

Good high-quality career guidance in schools and colleges is vital to young people so they can make well-informed decisions on their future. As a Careers Hub, we work with schools, special schools, colleges and educational providers and employers to help every young person find their best next step by being a critical friend to shape and advise on designing and delivering modern, 21st-century careers education strategy and programme

The Impact

The positive impact of the benchmarks has been strengthened by research from the CEC: The benefits of Gatsby Benchmark achievement for post-16 destinations. The report found that as careers provision (as measured by the benchmarks) improves, Year 11 students show improved sustained transitions into education, training or employment post-16, with the benefits most pronounced in the most disadvantaged schools