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Chester Pledge

Home > Pledge Areas > Chester Pledge

A growing and connected local economy

Chester has a growing economy, including the large Sealand Road Industrial Estate, Chester Business Park and Thorton Science Park. The history and semi-rural feel of Chester are reflected in the largest sectors: hospitality and tourism, banking and law across the region. Within the Chester Pledge area, we work with 9 of the mainstream high schools and their sixth forms and the local college, Cheshire College South and West. We also currently work with two special schools and one independent school. The Chester Pledge is also connected with approximately 50 employers.

How we work

The Pledge Partnership team supports employers and educators to work together to help inspire young people to make well-informed choices about the subjects they choose to study and the careers they want to follow and are equipped to be successful in the labour market.

View Chester Pledge’s local schools, colleges and organisations below.


Pledge contact for employers: Laura Ferran, Chester Pledge Facilitator

The Pledge Facilitator connects local employers to schools/colleges to inspire young people about career opportunities within their area. By working with both employers and education providers, they help ensure students are equipped with the skills required to be successful in the local labour market and help them to capitalise on opportunities within our employer’s core offer.

Email Laura

Pledge contact for schools: Ceri Morgan, Chester Pledge Enterprise Coordinator

The Enterprise Coordinator supports each school/college leadership team to develop and implement a careers strategy that supports all young people make their next best step. They also help schools receive support from our education core offer

Email Ceri